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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Impossible


Well shot, but a load of sentimental shit. Naomi Watts moans and screams, and looks longingly at the screen for close to two hours, whilst Ewan McGregor actually acts. The children put on a great acting display, just a shame Watts had to be involved. Tragic set of events, but the very Middle Class and vanilla nature of the people involved dragged it down somewhat. You almost feel less sympathy, but as you see later on in the film, there's almost an underlying selfish tone. Some horrifically inappropriate uses of music too.

If you like close-ups of Naomi Watts, this film is perfect for you.


As a side note, it should be made clear that were it not for the sentimental nature of the film, and the almost generic nature of the family's journey in the film, it would probably be scored higher. McGregor delivers only a few scenes of note, but one in particular is arguably the best overall performance in the entire film. Sadly, I view McGregor as a largely 'take it or leave it' actor as a whole.

If it weren't Naomi Watts in the lead female role (for which she has been nominated, somehow...) I would probably have enjoyed the film more. I can't recall any actresses I would have cast ahead of her, because there aren't many likeable 35 year old females capable of lighting up this role, but I feel she is totally wrong for this film. Hollywood's critics seem to disagree.

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