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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

House at The End of The Street


                                House at the End of the Street

Somewhat ironically, I was browsing through my internet history to find the reviews I'd written lately (they've all been diluted for use on a forum) and found a film I'd completely forgotten I'd watched, starring now-Oscar nominated Jennfier Lawrence. Because of its forgettable nature, I'm not going to bother putting a picture to go with it. That's how I roll.


Genuinely one of the worst attempts at a horror film I've ever seen. There is no horror in it. There's suspense, and thriller elements, but no actual horror. In fact, the only parts which could be misconstrued as horror (the disturbed young girl) are ruined because of the haphazard nature of the girl's acting. She genuinely looks like she doesn't know what she's doing, and as if she's looking at the production crew for the most part. It's laughable.

The story is predictable, Elizabeth Shue does her best 'pause, and look thoughtful/horrified' schtick. Jennifer Lawrence's sweaty boobs are the only redeeming feature here, and as such, the film receives the comedy boob score.


As an aside, the ending features one of the worst 'OH WAIT WE WERE MEANT TO ADD THIS STORY TWIST BEFORE OH SHIT SORRY' I've ever seen. 

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