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Tuesday, 15 January 2013



First things first, I'm not a Bond fan, and I find it very hard to rate the films on the whole, as they seem to be a mish-mash of cheese, shitty one-liners, OTT action scenes and as many spy clichés as the director can fit under his belt, and yet people lap it up and consider a few of them to be classics.

However, Bardem is an interesting Bond villain, in a very camp and maniacal fashion. Certainly darker than many of the villains I can remember, and moving away from the stereotypes from the previous films in the series.

However, I have to say the first half of the film is one of the most boring I've seen of the Bond films I've watched. The second half shook things up and was far more enjoyable, even if the narrative is predictable. Wasn't too keen on the final section of the Underground chapter. Very unsavoury, all things considered. Some decent scenes leading up to that, mind you.

As someone who's never really been a fan, I thought it was okay. Nothing stuck out as being exceptional, and some of the utterly nonsensical elements jumped out as a reminder of how ludicrous the whole franchise is. It's too long IMO, but that shouldn't necessarily detract.


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