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Wednesday, 15 January 2014


It took a while to get going, for me, but this is a film where the audience clearly gets reeled in as much as Phoenix's character does, and as such, the few twists and turns the film takes really keeps you engaged.

Maybe it's because Theodore (Phoenix) is in a place that makes him feel isolated, or simply because of the nature of 'Samantha', but the film does a fantastic job of making you feel as lost and withdrawn as Theodore's character, which in itself is a mean feat.

I'd say Samantha could be voiced by a fair few actresses and still make the character work, but Phoenix is excellent and he basically makes the film.

There's one scene near the end where I felt the film could have ended, and would have left an even more intense feeling with the audience, but it all works well anyway.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just watched this film and thought it wasn't too bad. You really get a sense of the isolation that Phoenix's character goes through. The bit I found funny was the small robot boy hologram type thing acting out how he was going to bang his date. Overall, an interesting film, like how themes of robot intelligence and emotion are in this. You see those themes in star trek and the like but I think it's portrayed a bit more maturely here. Great acting by Phoenix here.