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Saturday, 11 January 2014

About Time

About Time IMDB link

The only thing I'd seen of this was the film poster, which made it look like a cringeworthy 2013 take on a tacky (very British) rom com. Luckily, it's not that at all.

The opening act did make me think the male lead was an insufferable twat, but you soon realise that with his ability, he's able to correct his own behaviour as well as the events he's involved in.

It's quite difficult to explain why I enjoyed this so much, but for starters it's the first film I've seen in 2014 during which I didn't once check the clock, to see how long it had been running for, and how much I had left.

I don't like Rachel McAdams, but again, this wasn't your typical rom com tripe that I seem to dislike her in.

I think the best thing about the film was its take on last chances (no spoilers) and that was handled extremely well. Especially as it made me like an actor involved in that very arc, who I'd hated before.

Basically, anyone put off by the film poster, or indeed who's never heard of it, check it out.

My favourite film of 2014 so far.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I hate the poster aswell. Makes me want to punch my fist through the paper and onto the stupid woman's face.