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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

In A World...

IMDB link

I chose this film as the cover art looked exactly like my sort of thing. It had an air of 'Indie' to it, and luckily, it's just the sort of tone I look for in a film. A cast which has escaped from US Television, an unusual hobby or talent moulded into a competitive element (in this case, voiceover work), and a cast featuring a couple of actors whose work I enjoy; Nick Offerman being the offering on this occasion.

What is odd about 'In A World...' is that, like Whip It, another film which used an unusual competitive hobby as a template (in that instance, roller derbies), the central element really is not interesting enough to make a complete film about, but it's partially saved by Lake Bell, who delivers an unusually naive-yet-bold performance. Personally, I'm not her biggest fan and she has the facial structure of a post-op transsexual, but she has an Indie-esque level of confidence about her, and this being written and directed by her, it all runs along nicely.

Unfortunately, the film never really finds a focal point. The narrative peak is signposted well in advance, and the outcome is as predictable, meaning the audience never really needs to find the edge of their seat, never mind actually perching on it.

'In A World' is a Sunday afternoon film. It's pedestrian and inoffensive, and if you're a fan of any of the cast members, then you'll probably like it. Just...


Blue Jasmine

This may be the first Cate Blanchett film I've seen, but it's a hell of a performance. She plays it superbly and you genuinely feel almost awkward and nervous when watching her at times because of how engrossing and intense she is. If she's up for an Oscar (not that I've seen the majority of touted nominees) she has to win. Just so believable.

Also good to see Bobby Cannavale and Michael Stuhlbarg from the Boardwalk Empire school of actors, the former playing a wild and feverish lover, the latter an overly handsy dentist.

Louis CK gives a good performance, but I don't know how he's managed to star in this and American Hustle. Must have a very persuasive agent.

I enjoyed the structure of the film, but I didn't like how gullible and malleable the characters were, particularly the two female leads. Yes, Jasmine has an excuse (spoilers needed to explain that...) but her sister just felt badly written. She's great in terms of how entertaining she is to watch, but she's just badly written as a person. Maybe women like her exist in the world...?

All in all, only the third Woody Allen film I've seen, and the second I've actually liked.


IMDB link

I think it's a very interesting cast, and it's certainly actors I enjoyed watching, but I feel the story - particularly the second act - let the whole thing down. All becomes very busy, and dilutes the narrative and core story arc far too much. Nice to see Adam Scott and Amy Poehler hating each other in this, as they're very much the opposite in Parks and Recreation.



It took a while to get going, for me, but this is a film where the audience clearly gets reeled in as much as Phoenix's character does, and as such, the few twists and turns the film takes really keeps you engaged.

Maybe it's because Theodore (Phoenix) is in a place that makes him feel isolated, or simply because of the nature of 'Samantha', but the film does a fantastic job of making you feel as lost and withdrawn as Theodore's character, which in itself is a mean feat.

I'd say Samantha could be voiced by a fair few actresses and still make the character work, but Phoenix is excellent and he basically makes the film.

There's one scene near the end where I felt the film could have ended, and would have left an even more intense feeling with the audience, but it all works well anyway.


Saturday, 11 January 2014

About Time

About Time IMDB link

The only thing I'd seen of this was the film poster, which made it look like a cringeworthy 2013 take on a tacky (very British) rom com. Luckily, it's not that at all.

The opening act did make me think the male lead was an insufferable twat, but you soon realise that with his ability, he's able to correct his own behaviour as well as the events he's involved in.

It's quite difficult to explain why I enjoyed this so much, but for starters it's the first film I've seen in 2014 during which I didn't once check the clock, to see how long it had been running for, and how much I had left.

I don't like Rachel McAdams, but again, this wasn't your typical rom com tripe that I seem to dislike her in.

I think the best thing about the film was its take on last chances (no spoilers) and that was handled extremely well. Especially as it made me like an actor involved in that very arc, who I'd hated before.

Basically, anyone put off by the film poster, or indeed who's never heard of it, check it out.

My favourite film of 2014 so far.


Saturday, 4 January 2014

The Spectacular Now

This is a weird one.

I loved everything about the film from a production standpoint. The cinematography, the music, the setting, the premise, and the 'coming of age' shite that gets added to most Indie films nowadays.

I just didn't give a shit about 'Sutter' (who's starred in 21 and Over, and Project X, which I recognised him from and liked him in) because he's a huge prick. I have to assume that we're not meant to like him, or simply that we're meant to sympathise with him because of his shitty background, but I don't think it justified his behaviour at all. Throughout, all I cared about was 'Aimee', who the IMDB summary seem to wrongly refer to as 'not to typical nice girl'. Not quite sure what they were getting at with that one.

All in all; a decent but low-key cast, Brie Larson's tits looked tremendous, and ironically if it hadn't been for the lead character, I'd have enjoyed it a hell of a lot more.
