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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Best Of 2013

Having been listening to the GiantBombcast this week and last, I have been reminded that I haven't done a 'Best of' for 2013 yet. Basically, I haven't created my lists for Best Videogames or Best Films of the year.

I don't do Best Albums/Singles because, quite frankly I don't really actively follow musicians or musical acts anymore. I'll track down a track I've heard on TV or on the radio, or I'll check out albums from artists I used to like, but beyond that, I don't have a vested interest in music to that extent so there won't be a Best Of for that medium.

I'll be reminding myself of the Films and Games that actually came out in 2013 because it's so easy to forgot those that were released in the obscure early months of the year (particularly for films, as January is the Oscar nominees month...), and within the next day or two, I hope to compile my final lists. I don't think I've actually played ten games this year, as was the case last year, but I'll give it a go!

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