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Monday, 5 November 2012


If we're going to be blunt about it, Disturbia is a remake of Rear Window, for the MTV generation. With Shia Lebouf as the leading man, put under house arrest and developing a crush on his new neighbour, something sinister seems to be afoot in a nearby house.

For all the criticism Lebouf gets as being a one-dimensional ladykiller, as opposed to a genuinely decent actor in his own right, he does a terrific job in this instance. Having been a very watchable and appealing lead actor in Even Stevens, and extremely likeable in Transformers, it feels like he's never really been given the chance to fill out a meaty role of any real substance, always erring on the side of caution when it comes to roles.

Even if that remains the case with Disturbia, it's not a film which is in any way bad, lacking or particularly offensive. It's more that it doesn't really try to do anything new, but as remakes go, that's not exactly groundbreaking news.


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