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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Time for some reviews, new and old...

It's been a while since I last reviewed something, and so I've decided to do a quick round-up of film reviews; a veritable selection of films old and new, the ones I can remember, that is...

The Tunnel

An Australian attempt at the lost footage film, it follows a group of Australians who enter a tunnel and find themselves being unknowingly stalked by an unidentifiable creature.

The basic ideas are all here, but what is unusual is the interspersing of interviews with those who survived from the original group. An idea not found in any of the other found footage films that spring to mind, and it provides an added layer of reflection, if nothing else.

The Tunnel is an original take on a fairly tired sub-genre, a film I would recommend even if it is somewhat limited in its execution.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i watched some of this film and fell asleep. from what i saw, i didn't find it very interesting, probably because there has been a lot of films like this one. The poster is pretty scary though.