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Saturday, 5 March 2011

Little Miss Sunshine

A fun, Saturday afternoon time-waster, Little Miss Sunshine doesn't break any barriers nor does it do anything that hasn't been attempted before.

With Greg Kinnear, Toni Colette and Steve Carrell on-board, you have a vibrant and experienced main cast, supported by Alan Arkin and a natural young actress in Abigail Breslin, who is wonderfully relaxed and refreshing amongst a mostly adult cast.

As the 'family' attempt to make their way to the Little Miss Sunshine Beauty pageant in time to enter their youngest, they suffer heartache, vehicle problems and other nuisances, all the way trying to face their own individual flaws.

There's nothing much to praise, other than the film's relaxed approach with its shot selection and dialogue, which never feels forced or out of place. It's an Indie film which knows its limitations but doesn't try to do anything outlandish and as such just feels 'right'. Though how Alan Arkin received the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor is totally beyond me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, how the hell did Alan Arkin get an Oscar??? His character died midway, and he did very little when he was alive. I really liked the film, thought it was enjoyable, entertaining and charming. Cant believe I actually enjoyed an indie film.