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Sunday, 16 January 2011


Effectively a one-man show, Buried takes us on a psychological and emotional journey as Ryan Reynolds fills out the role of Paul Conroy, a supplies driver in Iraq who is ambushed and buried in a makeshift coffin.

Throughout the film Conroy is subjected to emotional heartache as he watches his wife die via a video message, finds himself stuck with a dangerous snake, and struggles to deal with the intense claustrophobia and constant fear of impending death.

As much as the film may be criticised for featuring Conroy's Blackberry mobile phone too much, it acts as the only vehicle for communication and really provides a vital yet restricted link to the outside world. The standard features of phone are surprisingly effective in reinforcing the idea of losing hope and his grasp of the outside world slowly fading, as seen with the fading battery life, and him losing signal at various points. These small details can be seen as tongue in cheek but actually become incredibly indicative of the torment and lack of control Conroy has on his own future.

For a film consisting of a man trapped in a box for 90 minutes, Buried delivers an effective and engaging look into the human psyche and of the physical confines of entrapment. The ending is also wonderfully realised.


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