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Saturday, 26 July 2008

Casino...a classic

Just finished watching the classic that is Casino. I watched some of it as a 9/10 year old and funnily enough i only remember one short scene from the film.

Having invested 3 hours into the film, i felt i should give it a write-up.

The film follows the supposedly true story of a couple of men who get into the Casino business and eventually crack up under the pressure of extortion, corruption and domestic strife.

Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci play the two main characters, whilst Sharon Stone plays the former's wife, a crackhead whose only interest is trying to manipulate those around her. Every attempt at doing so, however, leads her further and further into a pit of dark depression - built on cocaine and alcohol.

The aforementioned actors give fantastic performances, i actually ended up hating the characters played by Pesci and Stone, something i don't normally do whilst watching films.

All in all, i felt that the storyline involving the infidelity and domestic problems was a bit too uninteresting for my liking though it did lead to the finale so i suppose it served its purpose.

Score: 8.5/10

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