Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse
Absolutely loved it, which I didn't think would be possible as I'd read nothing but universal praise on here and Twitter (which I felt would leave me underwhelmed). People were gushing about it, and I can see why.
The visuals were the initial obvious treat, as the film looks stunning throughout. The weird 3d-esque blur on certain objects was off-putting at times, but the art style, combined with the CGI quality and look and feel of various environments, was incredible. Genuinely one of the best looking films I've ever seen.
The soundtrack was also fun, I was aware of the Post Malone track that plays at the start and end, but the rap/bits of music throughout worked really well, and the use of sound during the darker/chase sequences was really good, reminiscent of similar sections in some videogames I've played.
The storyline is obviously the real reason why people enjoyed it so much, and I thought it was great. The multi-verse stuff is a bit of a pain of a mechanic, and will certainly go over so many children's heads, but the poignant aspect it brought to the film justified it, and the other emotive moments in the film were also really well done (surprisingly so). The humour was arguably the best part for me, and Jake Johnson's (Nick from New Girl, and other stuff) delivery was perfect. So many jokes/lines that wouldn't be funny to me were delivered in such a way that made them world.
The only real issue for me was the final 'major' section which was a bit busy on-screen, and which hard to watch at times because it was just too messy from a visual standpoint. Other than that, a fantastic film.